Ely Inner Wheel celebrated World Inner Wheel Day at their January meeting by inviting Cilla Palmer and Yvette Tomkies from the Baby Bank to tell us about their work. Cilla Palmer founded the Baby Bank after recognising the need while working at Ely Food bank. She announced her intentions on social media and received numerous donations which she stored in converted chicken sheds on her small holding in Fordham. The Baby Bank has since evolved into a meeting place for new parents in need of support and a weekly café attracting 35 volunteers. In its first year there were 361 visits rising to 4701 in 2024. Cilla explained the Baby Bank’s policy of extending help to all in need unlike others that work only on referrals. In this way assistance can be given to those who might otherwise be missed. After question time and promises of donations Club President Carol Peacock thanked Cilla for her talk and presented her with a cheque for £50.