D9 Centenary Inner Wheel Rose

D9 Centenary Inner Wheel Rose

Despite the wet spring and summer months our Centenary Margarette Golding roses have brought a little sunshine into the garden.

Other News & Events

District 129

District 129 held a District Meeting in September when the ladies of I.W. St Austell prepared and served the luncheon. Our Zone Leader Liz chaired the meeting.

D1 – Certificate to Long standing Golden Girl from Stirling Club

D1 – Certificate to Long standing Golden Girl from Stirling Club

Mary Scobie from Stirling Club is a Golden Girl Mary Scobie from the Stirling Club received her Golden Girl Certificate on 6th September from DC Jean Hale on her Club visit.  Mary has been a member of Inner Wheel since 1971. Mary says she loves the friendship over the...

D20. The Sunflower Trail

D20. The Sunflower Trail

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