100 for 100 Loudoun continue the challenge

100 for 100 Loudoun continue the challenge

Two wonderful challenges completed by members of the Loudoun Club, D23.

Member, Anne Morton, who is also the district treasurer is a member of the Prestwick Pod of Morsbaggers. The group are all volunteers who pick up fabric at recycling events, for example duvet covers, tartan curtains, and seersucker brightly coloured table covers, which would otherwise end up in landfill sites. They repurpose the materials using the recycled fabric and give them out free at farmers markets and other gatherings.  Sustainability at its very best by avoiding plastic bags

Their second achievement was completed by Shirley Milligan who is the club president and lives across the road from the beach.  When she walks her dog, Harry, each day she picks up rubbish and litter, managing 100 pieces, brave lady, even when the weather is freezing.





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