

Where do we meet?

Pitlochry Inner Wheel is part of Inner Wheel District 1, and we meet at the Pitlochry Hydro Hotel, Knockard Road, Pitlochry. PH16 5JH.  Meetings are held at 7pm on the fourth Thursday of the month.  No formal meetings are held in July & August, but coffee mornings, fundraising and social events continue throughout the year.

Our Club 

Pitlochry is one of the youngest clubs in our District.  Chartered in 1993, we will celebrate our 30th Anniversary in 2023.  We currently have 19 members.

As well as the monthly meetings members enjoy monthly coffee mornings in members’ homes, scrabble evenings, a book group, knitting and crafting, regular walks and outings as well as fundraising for local and international projects.  A monthly newsletter called “The Spoke” is sent out to members and we have our own Facebook page –

Inner Wheel Club of Pitlochry | Facebook


Our Town – Pitlochry

Pitlochry (Baile Chloichridh in Gaelic) lies in the heart of Scotland on the banks of the River Tummel and surrounded by the mountains and glens of Highland Perthshire.  Tourism is a mainstay for the town with something for everyone from gentle strolls to hill walks, fishing, two distilleries, and the Pitlochry Festival Theatre.  Events happen all year including the last Highland Games of the season and a Ne’er Day Steet Party.

Congratulations to Sandra Cairncross of the Pitlochry Club who has had this beautiful photo published in the BBC’s weekly gallery of photos of Scotland! Well done, Sandra – fabulous photo 🌟🌟🌟

Inner Wheel Day 

Members came together for lunch bringing donations for the food bank.  Later President Irina and VP Margaret delivered their donations to the food bank 

Craft Sales

We regularly run craft stalls in the town.Pics show members preparing for one in November and then the annual sale at Christmas – all to raise funds for our chosen charities.

New Member

New member Linda Watt has been recently inducted into the club.  

Club President 

Pitlochry Inner Wheel President 

2023 – 24

Irina Alexander 

Committee Members

President – Irina Alexander
Vice President – Margaret Hamilton
Secretary – Fran Norris
Treasurer – Jan Conacher
International – Betty Stark
Club Correspondent – Sandra Cairncross
Membership & Development – Morag Uytman
Immediate Past President – Morag Uytman
Committee Members – Margaret Hamilton (Almoner);  Sandra Crowe (Health & Safety)
Voting Delegates –   Irina Alexander & Fran Morris

30th Birthday

The highlight of the year for the club was our November Birthday Meeting – celebrating 30 years as a club.  A happy evening of fun & friendship was enjoyed by all in the compoany of District Chairman Annetta.  

Informal Supper

An informal supper for members was hosted by President Irina in September 

Pitlochry Highland Games

The annual Pitlochry Highland Games was held on Saturday 9th September.  Our club held a stall selling popcorn, preserves and running a “Where is the Cowpat” competition to raise funds for the charities we support.  A great way to “Shine a Light” on the work of Inner Wheel.  

Members were delighted to have John Swinney MSP and Dave Doogan MP stop and say hello.

Christmas Tree Festival 

This year’s entry to the Christmas Tree Festival highlighted the charity Social Flock 

Our Projects

Recently we were joined by representatives from Social Flock  pictured here with President Irina.  They told us about their project to provide warm clothing and school uniforms to families in need in the local community.  This is one of the charities which we are supporting this year and members wil be collecting items as part of the 100 for 100 Challenge.

A group of members have been looking after the Highland Jewel – a small flowerbed of native plants, with a stone wall and seat – opposite the entrance to the Atholl Palace. This has been a great oportunity for outdoor exercise but also to publicuse the work of Inner Wheel.  The garden has been admired by locals ans tourists alike.

Our Spring Quiz is launched ! 30 questions to get you thinking and to help us raise money for local charities. The sheets are available from The Caravan Site, McNaughtons, Edinburgh Woollen Mill, Pitlochry Hardware, and Homeware, Coorie in the Corner and Inner Wheel members

Events in April

April is turning out to be a very busy month for the club!  We have just held a very  enjoyable afternoon tea in the Tryst.  This was to raise fund for Social Flock one the charities we supporting this year.  Then later in the month we will enjoy the company of members from all over District 1 at our Annual Open Meeting.  Pic below – of last year’s event.  

Records – Year Books 

We still keep up the tradition of making a year book of the club’s activities – these are kept for posterity and a copy given to the outgoing President of her year.  



For more information on Pitlochry Inner Wheel or any of the clubs in District 1 please contact



District 1 latest news