100 for 100 Dunfermline continue their challenges

100 for 100 Dunfermline continue their challenges

Dunfermline Inner Wheel – District 1
Helen Doran delivered 200 books to a local charity “Better World Books”, hopefully we can claim 2 x 100 for 100!

Una Gillies knitted 100 Easter Bunnies for charity.

Club members collected 200 Easter Eggs to donate to Women’s Aid




Other 100 for 100 news

100 for 100 Bath Inner Wheel

100 for 100 Bath Inner Wheel

Bath 100 4 100 Blankets Bath members have made many of the squares seen here and lovingly sewn into 10 Blankets – each containing 100 squares - by Margaret Berry. She then took then to St Martin’s Hospital, Bath where they are given to patients in the Sulis Ward....

100 for 100 20p challenge by Warsop

100 for 100 20p challenge by Warsop

Warsop International Service Organiser Joan Green, D22, collected 100 20 pence coins to donate to the clubs International Charity.