100 bulbs in Dovercourt & Harwich

100 bulbs in Dovercourt & Harwich

Here in Dovercourt and Harwich we meet at the Rainbow cafe and I suggested we planted 2 pots or a trough of 100 Daffodils.  Well it ‘grew’  to matching the half size wooden barrels already on the patio area. So we bought the barrell and 100 Tete a Tete Daffodils were planted together with 100 Crocus, 60 mixed Tulips 30 Muscari and topped with blue and white mix and yellow Violas.

A plaque has been added that reads:

2024 – The ladies of Harwich and Dovercourt Inner Wheel celebrate 100 years of our National Association.  We welcome new members . Please ask inside.  

Hopefully, the bulbs will give a splash of colour for two or three months in the Spring and we can then take a group photograph in the lighter evenings.  We also hope it will attract some new members.

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