100 for 100 Buxton Tools Collected

100 for 100 Buxton Tools Collected

On a chilly Saturday morning three of our members stood in the porch of Buxton Methodist church to receive donations of tools, haberdashery and other items for the charity “Tools for Self-Reliance”.
Buxton residents were very generous and a great many items were collected. So successful was the morning that we shall repeat it later in the year. Who knows, maybe we won’t have hail storms then!




Other 100 for 100 news

100 for 100 Marjorie Duncan Stirling

Marjorie Duncan of the Stirling Club has finished her personal challenge of speaking to 100 people she meets and explaining ’Inner Wheel’ to them.  A great achievement Marjorie - and a great way to promote Inner Wheel. Way to go Marjorie!  

100 for 100 Bath Inner Wheel

100 for 100 Bath Inner Wheel

Bath members have made many of the squares seen here and lovingly sewn into 10 Blankets – each containing 100 squares - by Margaret Berry. She then took then to St Martin’s Hospital, Bath where they are given to patients in the Sulis Ward. Everyone has a label...